JV05Deluxe jet vac with brush for spa and splasher
JV06Deluxe jet vac kit with aluminum pole of 48"/120cm in 5 section
LE0115" Leaf eater with 3 swivel wheels and brushes
VS01Vacuum kit for above ground pools
VS02Surface skimmer for above ground pools
BR01/P5"/13cm Poly bristle wall brush
BR01/SS5"/13cm Stainless steel algae brush
BR02/P10"/26cm Poly bristle wall brush
BR02/SS10"/26cm Stainless steel algae brush
BR03/P18"/46cm Standard curved Poly bristle wall brush
BR03N/P18"/46cm curved Poly bristle wall brush
BR04/P18"/46cm Deluxe Poly bristle wall brush with alu back